A flower-only seed mix designed to enhance an already established MNL Buckthorn Replacement Mix planting by adding color and diversity. Best seeded in dry to mesic (medium) soil with part-shade to shady conditions. Seed in spring or fall, over bare ground.
MNL recommends starting your buckthorn restoration project with the grass only seed mix until your buckthorn and broadleaf weeds are under control. Consider starting with our MNL Buckthorn Replacement Seed Mix if you have a new Buckthorn removal project you’re looking to seed!
Enhancement seeding process:
Step 1: Remove existing Buckthorn (all large trees/plants).
Step 2: Broadcast MNL Buckthorn Replacement Seed Mix in all areas Buckthorn was removed.
Step 3: Monitor the site for 1-2 growing seasons watching for new Buckthorn sprouts that may need to be spot sprayed, pulled, mowed or burned, etc.
Step 4: Cut seeding area short and remove any thatch or loose leaf material. Over-seed established area with MNL Buckthorn Replacement Forb Enhancement Mix.
Step 5: Enjoy your Buckthorn-free woodland area!
Available in two convenient packet sizes and will come pre-blended with a filler material (rice hulls) to add volume for broadcast seeding over your existing restoration project.
Click here for tips on seeding your own project!
Seed mix contents likely to vary slightly throughout the growing season. Actual seed mix composition will be listed on seed tag at time of delivery.
MNL produces premium, local origin native seed. All of our native seed is tested for noxious weeds and certified to be of local origin. It is also tested for germination and purity, allowing us to sell it as “Pure Live Seed” (PLS). This assures you are only paying for viable seed.