New for Fall 2023: This wildflower-only seed mix is perfect to enhance an existing planting, no matter what current age your prairie is! Best for Dry to Mesic (Medium) soil conditions and full sun, this pollinator forb list will include 40+ species of wildflowers to add great diversity and season long blooming species to your site. Can be planted any time of year, but a Fall dormant seeding can be a great way to incorporate new seed into existing prairies.
MNL recommends using a complete grass and wildflower mix for new prairie plantings, consider our MNL Pollinator Mix Dry to Mesic Soils if you have a new site you’re looking to seed!
This wildflower-only mix is available in our same seed mix sizes and will come pre-blended with a filler material (Rice Hulls) to add volume for broadcast seeding.
Click here for tips on seeding your own project!
Pollinator Enhancement Mix
Common Name | Scientific Name | Type of Plant | Bloom Season |
Yarrow | Achillea millefolium | Forb | Summer |
Fragrant Giant Hyssop | Agastache foeniculum | Forb | Summer |
Prairie Onion | Allium stellatum | Forb | Summer |
Leadplant | Amorpha canescens | Forb | Summer |
Prairie Sage | Artemisia ludoviciana | Forb | Summer |
Whorled Milkweed | Asclepias verticillata | Forb | Summer |
Common Milkweed | Asclepias syriaca | Forb | Summer |
Butterfly Milkweed | Asclepias tuberosa | Forb | Summer |
Canada Milk Vetch | Astragalus canadensis | Forb | Summer |
Partridge Pea | Chamaecrista fasciculata | Forb | Fall |
Prairie Coreopsis | Coreopsis palmata | Forb | Summer |
White Prairie Clover | Dalea candida | Forb | Summer |
Purple Prairie Clover | Dalea purpurea | Forb | Summer |
Showy Tick-trefoil | Desmodium canadense | Forb | Summer |
Prairie Cinquefoil | Drymocallis arguta | Forb | Summer |
Narrow-leaved Coneflower | Echinacea angustifolia | Forb | Summer |
Rattlesnake Master | Eryngium yuccifolium | Forb | Summer |
Northern Bedstraw | Galium boreale | Forb | Summer |
Common Ox-eye | Heliopsis helianthoides | Forb | Summer |
Stiff Sunflower | Helianthus pauciflorus | Forb | Fall |
Golden Aster | Heterotheca villosa | Forb | Summer |
Round-headed Bushclover | Lespedeza capitata | Forb | Summer |
Rough Blazing Star | Liatris aspera | Forb | Summer |
Meadow Blazing Star | Liatris ligulistylis | Forb | Summer |
Wild Lupine | Lupinus perennis | Forb | Spring |
Wild Bergamot | Monarda fistulosa | Forb` | Summer |
Spotted Bee Balm | Monarda punctata | Forb | Summer |
Slender Penstemon | Penstemon gracilis | Forb | Spring |
Large-flowered Penstemon | Penstemon grandiflorus | Forb | Spring |
Mountain Mint | Pycnanthemum virginianum | Forb | Summer |
Long-Headed Coneflower | Ratibida columnifera | Forb | Summer |
Black-eyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | Forb | Summer |
Missouri Goldenrod | Solidago missouriensis | Forb | Fall |
Gray Goldenrod | Solidago nemoralis | Forb | Fall |
Upland White Goldenrod | Solidago ptarmicoides | Forb | Fall |
Showy Goldenrod | Solidago speciosa | Forb | Fall |
Heath Aster | Symphyotrichum ericoides | Forb | Fall |
Smooth Blue Aster | Symphyotrichum laeve | Forb | Fall |
Sky-blue Aster | Symphyotrichum oolentangiense | Forb | Fall |
Long-bracted Spiderwort | Tradescantia bracteata | Forb | Spring |
Hoary Vervain | Verbena stricta | Forb | Summer |
Heart-leaved Alexanders | Zizia aptera | Forb | Spring |
Golden Alexanders | Zizia aurea | Forb | Spring |
MNL Pollinator Enhancement Mix
Seed mix contents likely to vary slightly throughout the growing season. Actual seed mix composition will be listed on seed tag at time of delivery.
MNL produces premium, local origin native seed. All of our native seed is tested for noxious weeds and certified to be of local origin. It is also tested for germination and purity, allowing us to sell it as “Pure Live Seed” (PLS). This assures you are only paying for viable seed.