Renewal power that reduce emissions and improve ecology
Solar energy services

MNL stands as a recognized leader in ecological improvements utilizing solar energy, encompassing agrivoltaic management and native solar seed and plant production. With years of expert consultation, a comprehensive portfolio of services, and exceptional installation craftsmanship, we have successfully produced thousands of acres of native grasses and pollinator habitats, planted and professionally managed.
Acres of solar projects seeded
Acres grazed per year by our agrivoltaic sheep
Acres of native solar seed grown and sold

Working with our solar energy team
We adopt a customized and transparent approach to our solar energy services process. Our team collaborates closely with project partners to comprehend the vegetative, operational, and management goals of each solar location. This insight forms the basis for site-specific pollinator habitat and low-maintenance vegetation management (O&M) options, such as grazing.
Our solar energy capabilities serve projects of all sizes, from start to finish. Many times, these solar projects are done in conjunction with additional environmental restoration work. Each project is fully customized to meet the needs of your site.
Additional capabilities
To learn more about all of our capabilities, view our services areas, below:

Let’s work together
Our solar energy team is here to answer any questions you may have. Connect with us to customize a solution for your next solar project.