2025 Healthy Lake, Healthy Land Expo Plant Sale
Where: Tulibee Tavern, 235 Main St, Wahkon, MN 56386
When: Saturday, May 3, 2025. 9 am – 12 Noon.
All preordered plant kits must be picked up at the event. MNL will have a native plant expert on site, during the event, to answer any questions and provide helpful transplanting tips. This sale is preorder only; MNL will not have plants available for purchase on site. Preorder ends April 27.
Plant Kits
All plant kits include 36 native plugs; six plants of six different species. Each kit may contain a combination of forbs, grasses, or sedges, in a variety of different bloom colors and bloom times depending on current availability. We recommend planting in a 40-60 sq. ft. area.
Shoreline Stabilization Kit
The Shoreline Stabilization Kit is designed to provide attractive, natural protection and native habitat on the water’s edge. Safeguard any shoreline from erosion with this collection of deep rooted aquatic plants while creating habitat for a wide range of wetland creatures and spawning grounds for a variety of fish. Plant on the shoreline of any large body of water.
Wetland Edge Kit
Perfect for the border of any wetland area, the Wetland Edge Kit will provide fantastic habitat for a variety of wildlife, including insects, frogs, and birds. Expect a variety of different blooming colors in the Summer into the Fall. Consider planting near any wetland or rain garden area in direct or filtered sunlight.
Rain Garden Kit
Designed perfectly for smaller, contained runoff areas. Enjoy bright and vibrant blossoms throughout the growing season. Expect to attract a wide variety of insects and pollinators to your rain garden, including Monarch Butterflies! Consider planting at the edge of parking lots, driveways, and any other areas with concentrated runoff.
Shade Garden Kit
Perfect for yards with tall trees and plenty of shade and filtered sunlight. Expect blossoms early in the year with more arriving as Summer and Fall roll around. The Shade Garden Kit will provide an ideal environment for many varieties of insects and pollinators. Don’t be surprised if you see a hummingbird or two. Consider planting under mature trees, on the north facing side of taller buildings, and anywhere else with limited direct sunlight.
Monarch Special Kit
The Monarch Special Kit is designed to create the perfect environment for our orange and black winged friends. With milkweed species for the caterpillars to feast on and other blooming species for nectar, they won’t be able to resist. More than just for butterflies, you will enjoy a variety of colorful blooms, as well. Best planted anywhere with plenty of sunlight any anywhere you want to see Monarch Butterflies.
Backyard Prairie Kit
Bring a touch of wild, native Minnesota prairie to your home with the Backyard Prairie Kit. Taller growing species than you’ll find in the Short & Tidy Kit, this kit designed to be planted in smaller, contained areas with room to reach for the sky. This kit is perfect for back yards in town or urban settings. Expect flowers throughout the Summer and even into the Fall. The Backyard Prairie Kit will create habitat to attract all varieties of pollinators, as well as butterflies and songbirds too! Consider planting in small, contained areas of your yard with full sunlight or partial shade without height limitations.