MNL’s engagement with Engstrom’s Wildflower at Lake Elmo commenced in 2015, focusing initially on site preparation. Buckthorn and other weedy vegetation were cleared from natural areas. From the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2017, various sections of the site were seeded with multiple native seed mixes, creating a mosaic of diverse habitats, including wetland, emergent, mesic prairie, dry prairie, savanna, and woodland. There was a significant emphasis on cultivating diverse pollinator habitats. MNL diligently managed the site for invasive species throughout the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. We eagerly anticipate witnessing the maturation of this project over the years.
- Site preparation
- Seeding
- Site management
- Diverse list of plant species
- Pollinator habitat
- Human exploration/education
- Soil health