This time of year always feels so exciting to those of us dreaming of getting outside! There have been a lot of photos and articles floating around about \”waiting to rake and clean up gardens until temps are above 50 degrees\” or similar. So what\’s a gardener to do?! It really is great advice – not only are native pollinators still hibernating, but birds and small mammals are collecting that material to create nests, and so much more is happening on a microscopic level.
On warm days when you want to get outside, pick up sticks or pine cones from the lawn and lay them in the woods for habitat, set up a potting bench, put up some bird houses, or take a walk around to decide where you can add more plants! Then, take some time to do a little research on rainy days like today. Grow with Kare did a great piece on growing your own birdseed, or check out the Audubon Society\’s tool to select native plants to attract birds to your backyard! OR… Make it easy and go with MNL\’s songbird seed mix or pick one of our plant kits, we already did the homework for you!
If you\’d like some advice on how you can incorporate native plants into your own yard, send us a photo of your planting area and we\’d be happy to help!