A big THANK YOU to all those that contributed to our inaugural milkweed pod collection program! We had a very successful collection, and it is all due to the efforts of the pickers, our collection hub partners, and staff.
All told, we collected over 1.5 MILLION milkweed seeds! How are these seeds being used?
Plants: We are currently growing milkweed plants in our greenhouses, to be used on lots of sites ranging from residential backyards to large public projects. Contact our Greenhouse Staff if you are interested in any milkweed plugs!

Seed: Our goal is to include milkweed in as many seed mixes as possible for the coming year. Milkweed grows great from seed, and MNL hopes to seed over 2,000 acres this year alone, using lots of milkweed seed.
Again, thank you to all of those who have helped us expand monarch habitat. We plan to run the collection campaign again this fall, so stay tuned for details!
–MNL Staff